Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chapter 8: Going Home

[The following is an excerpt from Chapter 8 of The Gospel of the Stone]

Within a few days, everyone in the village had heard of Shumavi’s decision to return to the Sacred Land of his birth. Many of the people expressed a desire to join him in the migration. On the last afternoon, a large crowd gathered at the grove to bid the Guardian of the Stone a final farewell and to hear his parting words of wisdom.

“Have you ever noticed all of the things we do are in a circle? That is because the Power of Creation also works in circles. This knowledge was given to us by Maasau in the beginning of the Fourth World. Everything that Great Spirit does, is done in a circle. That is why everything in the Universe tries to become a circle. The Sun and the Moon come forth and go down in a circle. Perhaps that is because they are both round. The ancient teachings tell us that the Earth is also round like the stars in the heavens. Even the changing seasons form a great circle and always come back again to where they were. The life of every Human Being is also a circle, leading from childhood to childhood, without beginning and without end.

“Everything in Creation moves in a great unbroken circle. Beginnings and endings are the invention of Man’s ignorance. As long as a person thinks that there are beginnings and endings, they will continue to experience the suffering of birth, death, and old age, over and over again. But when the individual no longer identifies their life with broken circles, they are also freed from the limitations of ignorance. For the One who knows Great Spirit, also knows the True Self—the One Reality behind all the illusions that seem to be."

To purchase this chapter, click here.

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