Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chapter 5: The Search Continues

[The following is an excerpt from Chapter 5 of The Gospel of the Stone]

My experiences on the ledge of the canyon had filled me with great expectations; but initiations of any kind are not much different than receiving a diploma or an academic degree. Once the ceremony is over, the recipient suddenly realizes that they are no more enlightened than before. Initiations do not lead to instant Nirvana, nor do degrees guarantee any added wisdom. The most that any initiation can accomplish is to open doors and point the way to greater possibilities. I soon discovered that the old Blue Bird Chief was right when he predicted that I would have to make many journeys into the Sacred Lands of the Migrations before I could realize all of its Hidden Mysteries.

With the passage of time, my pilgrimages into the Sacred Lands became more and more frequent; I sometimes made as many as three trips a year. On many occasions, I would first stop at the ancient village on the Mesa in the hope of picking up a traveling companion to go along with me, but this was not always possible or desirable.

Eventually, I was told that if I traveled alone, my thoughts would be less encumbered and my senses would be more perceptive to the Ancient Messages recorded upon the Land. Following the old Chief's advice, from that day forward I traveled alone; each time returning back to the village again to verify my findings with him.

The beginning of each pilgrimage was a new experience, and they always started with the words of the Blue Bird Chief echoing in my brain:

"Each time you come to this Sacred Place, try to experience its moods and understand its forms. Try to experience it at sunrise and sunset, at noon and at midnight. Try to be there when the Sun is shining and when rain is falling. And if you can, try to experience the harmony of its changes with the four seasons. If you can see the Sacred Land in this manner, you will begin to understand that it is as alive as any Human Being. You will discover that the canyon walls grow and decay. They breathe and pulsate with life. They attract and collect all of the invisible energies from their surroundings. The canyons also create winds, and the water of the river creates clouds filled with rain that fall back upon the Land, creating a New Cycle of Life that gives shelter and food to every living creature who is lucky enough to call this Land their home. Experience its moods... and become One with it. If you can do that, you will begin to understand its Personality, and nothing will be kept hidden from you."

To purchase this chapter, click here.

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