Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Chapter 7: The Ocean

[The following is an excerpt from Chapter 7 of The Gospel of the Stone]

“To experience the Truth of Great Spirit directly, you must look within and find the Ultimate Reality of that Self-Luminous Being that dwells within as the Power of Consciousness in all creatures and in all created things. That alone is The Pure Light of Self—The Spirit of Great Spirit—which is birthless and deathless. It is the Divine Spirit that is present in the north and the south. It is the same Spirit that is present in the east and the west. It is the Spirit of Creation. It is the Spirit that is now born in all Beings and will be born in all Beings for Eternity. It is the Great Spirit in all people, manifesting itself as the Inner-Light of Being, which faces in all directions. It is the Driving Reality beyond all the shadow forms that we may imagine.”

Shumavi paused for a moment, and then pointed towards the ocean below, saying:

“Look closely at the waves on the ocean. Each one appears as something different from the ocean. And yet when the wave subsides, the same amount of water remains, even if it’s name and form vanishes forever. As a single wave it is always limited. But when it falls back into the ocean, its power becomes limitless again. Only after it becomes One with the ocean can it express itself as a wave again—as big a wave as it chooses to be."

To purchase this chapter, click here.