Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chapter 4: The Rescue

[The following is an excerpt from Chapter 4 of The Gospel of the Stone]

As the truck was being loaded for its journey back home, the old Chief came and sat beside me.

"I see you still have many questions. Be patient and do not concern yourself with when and how these things will come about. They will happen when they happen. Only Great Spirit knows when the World will be ready for a change. Perhaps it will begin tonight or tomorrow.... Who knows?.... Months.... Years.... What does it matter? It may even occur when you least expect it.

"In the meantime, you should return to this Sacred Land as often as possible, and each visit should be turned into a Vision Quest. Get to know the Land and become One with it. Most of our troubles and our blindness comes from old expectations. Therefore, forget what you think you know, and expect to see Newness everywhere. Remember also, there is no shortcut on the Road of Life. Peace and Contentment will follow you if you move slowly in unison with everything around you. For the time being, it may be best if you travel these Sacred Lands alone. When the time comes that you do bring others with you, be careful. Show them nothing and answer no questions until they prove themselves worthy to hear the Truth. In the meantime, prepare yourself for the Coming of the Great Change. Learn to read the Signs of the Four Worlds already written upon this Land. When the time is right, the Ancient Voices will speak to you loud and clear. They will show you how the Way of Peace must be taught to the People of a New World."

To purchase this chapter, click here.