Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter 3: The Second Day

[The following is an excerpt from Chapter 3 of The Gospel of the Stone]

The stone in my hand tingled and vibrated as it conveyed pictures and events, revealing the History of Man's Migrations across the face of the Earth. It was as if the stone was filled with sounds, expressing a language I could not understand, but the pictures it conveyed were real and clear. On its surface were faces of people pleading to be heard. Amazed and puzzled, I questioned my sanity and pondered the meaning of the sights and sounds which seemed to be transcribed on the surface and recorded within the Talking Stone. What did it all mean? And why was I so sure that these symbols and the impressions were attempting to convey a message for the future?

I was so preoccupied with my imaginings that I had totally forgotten the time of day. Suddenly, I became aware that the Sun had slipped away and night was descending upon me. Remembering that this was to be the night of the full Moon, I patiently waited for it to appear above the horizon. As the great disc rose in the sky, everything in nature seemed to come alive, creating an evening festival of lights and shadows.

Again, the stone in my hand vibrated, filling me with an Extraordinary Awareness that seemed to reach beyond the present and into the dim and distant past. I envisioned places where campfires burned, and the scent of their smoke penetrated the haze of endless years to reach my nostrils. Around the campfires came the muffled voices of happy children laughing and playing.

To purchase this chapter, click here.